
Thursday 30 November 2017


PREP: Analyse the media language of the MOJO cover below. Use the terms that you have learned. 
Compare and contrast the cover with another magazine cover, drawing attention to the similarities and differences, and saying what the genre codes and conventions are.

The contrast cover can either be your own cover or another professional cover.

Bowie is seen to be in the centre of visual interest which shows us that he is confident and proud of himself. This could relate back to his previous drug issues and by having him in the centre and holding a sort of 'hero' pose shows that he has overcome these issues and is ready to face the rest of the world. The quotes underneath the main splash talk about the 'Berlin years' which can relate to the blue and white motorway sign underneath Bowie. The words are written in German which tells us that something important and significant could've happened for Bowie in Germany. Bowie is also wearing clothes that show him as both casual and smart a small tie can be seen very slightly showing a smarter and more together Bowie but his jeans are shown in more a casual way which shows us he can still be cool and casual but has reached a new decade in his life, a clean and solid one. The bright red colour of the pull quotes underneath are very noticeable, which helps the story to be recognised. 

Selena has been placed in a very bold and interesting position. By having her hands above her head can show some sort of vulnerability like she is being forced into something she doesn't want to do, her clothes also express this as she is showing a lot of flesh which is normally how woman look in magazines.  Although she can be seen as vulnerable her make up is shown to be quite bold and gives us a sense of confidence. The caption to go with the main splash is 'cool, candid and courageous' which draw people in, especially the woman. This is because woman are often seen as very dainty and delicate but the contrast between Selena's vulnerable pose and the caption is very eye catching. She is showing us that woman are and can be strong and confident. The pug at the bottom of the stage is telling us about the eight new designers to watch out for. The mast head tells us that this is a very high end magazine and that  will always have the new a exclusive stories.

- They are both very well known and interesting celebrities.
-They are both shown as very optimistic and self-confident.
- Both magazines are very high end and well known.
- Both celebs have their hands behind their backs showing Bowie as heroic and Selena as more vulnerable.
- Both have set colour schemes.

- Selena's clothes show much more of her flesh whereas Bowie's clothes are much smarter.
- The MOJO magazine is more factual and about stories whereas the vogue one is more of a beauty/womanly magazine.

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