
Wednesday 1 November 2017


PREP Analyse how mise-en-scene is used in the extract from Cuffs to create meaning. Refer to at least two examples from the extract in your answer. (This means that a good candidate will write fully and freely, covering more than just 2 examples, as we practised in class).
Worth 5 marks: write half a side of A4 and post on your blog tonight.

In the first scene we see the chief superintendent making a speech we can tell by his clothes that he has a very important role for his job, we can tell by looking at his smart white gloves that this is a special occasion as he would not normally wear these. By him standing on a podium also shows that he has an important job as he is making a speech and the podium could symbolize that he is higher up then the rest of his colleagues around him.  The building that surrounds him is very modern which can tell us the time era and that the show in general will be quite modern.  

In a later scene we witness a drug addict who has self- harmed himself. At one point the camera has a birds eye view shot of the drug addicts room we can see a lot of empty alcohol bottle and the room itself is very messy. This mise-en-scene gives a back story of this mans life suggesting that he has been this way for quite a while and hasn't lived or is living in a very healthy life style. As the camera does a close up shot of his face, we can see a lot of marks and scars which could have been from the drugs he was taking and the scars from when he could have self- harmed again. The mise-en-scene in this scene creates a lot of meaning as it shows us that this man needs a lot of help and the police are giving this to him, it also can make the audience more sympathetic towards him as they feel like they know more about him now. 

We later see a scene with an Asian boy who is on the phone to his mother. We get a vague idea about this boys personality as his clothes a very clean and sleek which shows us that he seems like a young boy who knows what he wants. Later in this in scene a gang of white boys enter the same shop where the Asian boy is we can tell by their clothes that they could be a threat and they are wearing hoodies and very low cut vests they all walk with a very confidant manner. They all have very short hair and sharp cold facial expressions. By having this mise-en-scene we can see the massive contrast between the Asian boy and the gang.  


1 comment:

  1. mark 3 out of 5
    1. First point all good up to last bit on being modern, which isn't particularly important in the context. Instead, draw attention to the respectful, formal postures of the staff lined up around the super.
    2. Bit too high to use 'bird's eye' for Nathan's room. Instead, use 'high angle'. You draw attention to the bottles but can you add more about 'the room itself is very messy'?
    3. instead of 'We get a vague idea about this boys personality ' you could write: 'he is constructed as ...'
    4. Their hoodies are not up, though: 'they are wearing hoodies'
