
Thursday 7 December 2017


Image result for Lego movieMedia is used throughout the Lego Movie to gratify and induce people of all ages, older and younger.  During the beginning scenes of the movie a lot of jokes and small comments are made that only the older generation would understand and find funny. For example Vitruvius talks about there being a piece of resistance and there is a famous French saying about the "piece de resistance" which means the missing piece. This would humour adults as it is a very well known phrase which would impress the adults. The film also directs a lot of messages towards the younger kids, by using music and characters. For example Emmet is seen as very ordinary and nothing special, just like most of the children in the world. Emmet then suddenly becomes "the special", which can help kids imagination and creativity.

The Lego game can also help with personal values, relating to a specific character. For example the girls can relate to Cleopatra's looks and witty personality whereas the boys can relate to Vitruvius and his personality.

By having famous people, like Morgan Freeman, doing voiceovers automatically draws a specific group of people in. This is called cross promotion as they are using other people and advertisement to draw people in. Throughout the film there are moments of enigma, jeopardy (a sense of danger) and spectacles, which are the amazing wow moments for example when Wildstyle is building multiple different objects. This moment, with Wildstyle, also helps again with creativity and imagination it's giving kids the idea that they can do and be anything they want.

The relationship between president business and Emmet can also be seen personal identity. As President Business can been seen as the parent figure and Emmet as the child. Business is very keen to stick to the rules and live in a perfect world whereas Emmet just has to follow these rules and does not have much control over his own life, just like kids. Overall the Lego Movie and game use many different techniques the draw and gratify people towards them such as :
-Personal identities
-Enigma (domino effect)
-Speed and motion
All these things add a sense of danger, suspense and thrill to the game and movie.


  1. Mark 5 out of 8
    1. 'to gratify and induce people' change to " offer audiences many pleasures such as..." You are starting to integrate the Uses and Gratifications model, and doing so will become easier with practice.
    2. Show more understanding of the cross-promotion with the film, the relationship with the brand and its characters (synergy). Cross promotion is not the casting of familiar actors.
    3. Piece de resistance = best and most important or exciting thing
    4. You refer to pleasures of the game itself such as 'enigma, jeopardy (a sense of danger) and spectacle'; mention the quest (exploring new worlds), the use of the first-person protagonist (the gamer associates directly with the game)
    5. Refer also to childhood nostalgia for parents & the pleasures of playing with their children

  2. By the way, always add the full title of the exam question at the top plus your mark. It is easy to copy /paste from the class blog. It will help you during exam revision.
