
Wednesday 21 February 2018


How is sound used to create meaning? give two examples(5 marks)
  • The whirring of heavy machinery.
  • Off screen sound.
  • non- diegetic music/ thumping
  • diegetic police siren
  • dialogue/diegetic sound/urgency
  • ordinary sounds/shock/everyday live
  • tone of officers voice- urgent/scared/creates a tense and filled atmosphere

At the beginning of the clip the diegetic sounds are very ordinary as each officer is speaking in a normal, slow voice suggesting to the audience that this happens everyday and is very normal. This makes the audience feel at ease. The two female police officers are also speaking in a very calm voice this could connote to the audience, again, everything is normal. All of a sudden something happens and we know this because the truck starts to swerve and the diegetic sounds of the breaks and swerving tyres connotes to the audience that this however is not normal.
The sound of the female police officer on the radio confirms the fact that something is happening and the use of this off screen speech creates contrasting connotations of emergency to those of the canteen scene.  The non diegetic sound of the music in the background is thumping slowly therefore adding tension to the scene. The two male officers then enter the car and we start to hear the non diegetic sound of the police car siren this has the effect that us as the audience fell more involved in what is going on and can feel the panic and urgency of the two police officers. As the car chase is happening we hear rhythmic non diegetic music carrying connotations such as danger, excitement and urgency.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 5 out of 5.
    Good TEE: identify term, give example, analyse how it works.
