
Wednesday 31 January 2018


At the top of the home page, for the online observer, we see writing covered in a dark blue highlight. This writing is in dark blue because it contained key information and grouped all the news headlines together. They have used a burgundy colour to show us each new story so that the reader can find each individual story easily. The online observer has also put other key information such as famous people and brands in a bright orange colour, this could be because of sponsorships. The observer has used bright white writing which suggest that it is quite modern. They have used sans serif which can also give it a modern feel. The typeface that they have used in the headings gives us the impression that they are trying to express the fact that there stories are serious and important. The fact that the layout is very ordered and in line also suggests the objectivity and seriousness that the online observer are trying to express. The newspaper uses different peoples views such as the person they are writing about or the journalist themselves this helps the newspaper to connect with people as each person has a different view and by having different opinions in the newspaper it means that everyone can choose a different opinion to agree with. It connects with not just the majority of people but all of them. The observer uses a wide range of language such as emotive ("extraordinary"), hyperbolic ("get out") and sympathetic ("can I forgive the man who raped me"). All these different languages can make the reader feel all different emotions such as happy, sad and sympathetic.

1 comment:

  1. Q.8 "Give two examples" for 5 marks
    Mark 3 out of 5
    1. You write "we see writing covered in a dark blue highlight": call this the masthead. You write "it contained key information and grouped all the news headlines together": call this the news content banner embedded in the masthead.
    2. It is essential to comment on what the royal blue and burgundy colours connote, so remember that in an exam!
    3.I would drop the reference to orange as there are SO few details in orange. Go for the big points to secure your 5 marks
    4. You write: 'They have used sans serif which can also give it a modern feel.' Yes, and confident. However, this is ONLY in the title. The body font is serif.
    5. "The typeface that they have used in the headings.." Name it! It is a serif font.
    6. Rest is good, such as the orderliness and formality. Learn the other points to add.
