
Sunday 27 January 2019


In this magazine cover the main splash is covered with mainly the face of the celebrity which connotes her sense of importance and depicts her as someone who has been very successful as she is still being acknowledged today. The picture of  Joni Mitchell is in black and white which suggests to the reader that she used to be very popular but might not be as prominent to daily life any more. Joni Mitchell is smiling and looking directly into the camera suggesting that she still wants to connect to the readers even though her golden days are behind her.
This magazine cover also talks about artists such as David Bowie and the hardship of being sober which helps the readers to empathise with him as this depiction makes him seem vulnerable. John Sebastian is another artist that is mentioned, 'magic of lovin' spoonful's'. This quotation connotes his special status and is trying to tell the MOJO readers how iconic he really is.


  1. Mark 2 out of 4
    You need to draw on how MOJO usually constructs representations so you put Joni, Bowie etc in context.
    Joni's depiction is a counter stereotype (as she is female and laughing). You need to explain that MOJO usually puts musicians on a pedestal and depicts them as having suffered for their art; also to comment on the 'agony and the ecstasy' depiction of Joni's life as one of a tormented genius, typical of the respect which MOJO accords rock legends and 'geniuses'. The reference to Bowie's 'betrayal' is similar with its connotations of controversy and suffering for his art.
    I don't think that the monochrome indicates that she is less significant now.
    There are also references to the 'magic' of Lovin' Spoonful's John Sebastian, which connotes his special status and the reverence of the MOJO audience. The Specials feature as typical icons with their 40 years track record.

  2. Actually, looking back at your analysis, I think that I should reconsider the mark, as you do say a lot about Joni, as well as Bowie.
    Mark 3 out of 5
