
Wednesday 31 January 2018


At the top of the home page, for the online observer, we see writing covered in a dark blue highlight. This writing is in dark blue because it contained key information and grouped all the news headlines together. They have used a burgundy colour to show us each new story so that the reader can find each individual story easily. The online observer has also put other key information such as famous people and brands in a bright orange colour, this could be because of sponsorships. The observer has used bright white writing which suggest that it is quite modern. They have used sans serif which can also give it a modern feel. The typeface that they have used in the headings gives us the impression that they are trying to express the fact that there stories are serious and important. The fact that the layout is very ordered and in line also suggests the objectivity and seriousness that the online observer are trying to express. The newspaper uses different peoples views such as the person they are writing about or the journalist themselves this helps the newspaper to connect with people as each person has a different view and by having different opinions in the newspaper it means that everyone can choose a different opinion to agree with. It connects with not just the majority of people but all of them. The observer uses a wide range of language such as emotive ("extraordinary"), hyperbolic ("get out") and sympathetic ("can I forgive the man who raped me"). All these different languages can make the reader feel all different emotions such as happy, sad and sympathetic.

Wednesday 24 January 2018


Related imageIn our enigma today we decided to use the doll as a prop and create a short clip based around the story of a girl who grows to close to the doll and ends up dying because of it. We faced some technical challenges such as the camera wouldn't focus and sometimes the angles were not right. However a lot of things went well for example we worked well as a team, we managed to use our limited props well and we got the clips we needed and wanted. We have not yet started to edit it but we are planning to add music, transitions and special effects to make the clip seem more authentic and scary. 

Tuesday 9 January 2018


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Exam question: Analyse how genre codes have been used in The Lego Movie poster campaign to appeal to a family audience. (10 marks) Write the equivalent of a page and a half A4 in the exam. This is a major question.

We can relate to the Lego movie through the posters as they express the idea of it being a family film. We can see, in the main visual interest, a bunch of characters running away from something, each human is different so each character is different. For example girls can relate more to wildstyle. It also relates to all generations as the older generation could relate to batman and wonder woman as they are from an older era whereas children can relate to Unikitty and new more imaginable characters. At the bottom of the poster we can see the date in which the movie is set to come out but not only does this poster give us the date it also gives us a small insight on what the movie will be about because instead of using the stereotypical word "coming out on..." they used the word "assembling on..." which can be related to building and making things - which is what kids do when they play with Lego.  

Image result for ( this poster the centre of visual interest is a picture of Vitruvius. He is shown in a sort of sci-fi way as where his eyes are meant to be we only see two circles of bright light suggesting he has some special features of powers, this can suggest the movie has a whole other side to it - a more sci-fi side. He is also made to look a bit like God as he has pure white hair and a headband which maybe shows us that he will be more of a father like figure to the rest of the cast rather than an main action character.  The other thing that really sticks out is the top line where it says who will be playing this character, and as we can see it says Morgan Freeman will be. The older generation can relate a lot to this as Morgan Freeman is very well known but is much older then a lot of actors these days. The kids wont necessarily be able to relate to this but the parents will.  It also says "assembling" instead of "coming out" just like the main poster.

Image result for lego movie poster emmet In this next poster we see Emmet very close up to the camera with an expression that shows us he is scared or running from something, it is similar to the expression that he is pulling in the first main poster. Although his expression suggests a sense of fear it also has a comedic side to it as he looks like is trying to connect with us asking us for help, which many kids will laugh at. This poster is very relatable and shows us that Emmet is just as ordinary as any of us. He is show to be wearing construction clothes suggesting that he has a normal job, we can also see that in the background there is a spectacle going on and his face suggests that this is not normal and that he's scared- just like we would be.It also says "assembling" instead of "coming out" just like the main poster.

Image result for lego movie poster emmetIn this next poster we also see another main character but this time she is a girl, this could mean that maybe more girls could relate and like her than boys. She seems to break many stereotypical rules which would immediately attract a girl of an younger and older generation. She is staring very coldly at the camera and looks quite relaxed suggesting that maybe she is used to this. Her hair and clothing are very edgy as she has bright eccentric streaks of pink and blue in her hair. Both those colours are stereotypically blue for boy and pink for girl but she is maybe making a stand against this and saying that both boys and girls can wear either colour and that we are equal. The voiceover for wild style is Elizabeth banks who is known to be very warm and kind in all her movie roles so would fit in well with this movie, she would also be recognised straight away making her an instant attraction helping the viewers of the movie go up.

Image result for lord business lego movie poster

In this last poster we can immediately see that this character is going to be the villain of the story. His facial expression seems to suggest that he is angry, his monobrow helps to shape his anger and can also make it more comedic. He seems to be wearing a lot of red which can suggest blood or danger, automatically making him the villain. This character is played by Will Ferrell who many teenagers and even younger kids will know as he is often in family and kid friendly movies like the Christmas movie elf. This could help to give us a small insight on what the movie will be about because his fans will know that he will be playing someone funny and family friendly.