
Wednesday 4 October 2017


Analyse how sound is used in the extract to create meaning. Refer to at least two examples from the extract in your answer.

In this episode of Cuffs sound is used throughout it, which can help set the mood and add that finishing touch to a scene. One of the first scenes we, as the audience see is the scene where the camera is panning across the Brighton beach showing us Brighton's citizens, and how they act. Without music this scene would be very simple and boring but in the editing suite they have added quick and upbeat music. This music relates to the scene as in the scene we see people messing around on the beach, which shows the audience that this could be a simple and slightly funny scene. This sound is a non-diegetic sound as the music was added after the scene, in the editing suite.

However there is a very contrasting scene in where a boy is being attacked as he is of a different race and religion. This scene is much more tense as you have a build up before the actual attack. The music that has been added here is much darker and faster drawing the audience in and getting them interested. This sound is also non-diegetic sound as it was added after the scene was shot. In this scene you also see the boy, who was attacked, drop something. You hear this sound in the background so this is diegetic sound meaning it was shot the same time as the normal scene was shot.

In conclusion by adding sound the producers and editors of Cuffs has given the show more of a feeling and it immediately makes the audience want to sit up and watch. By combining both sound and dialogue the producers give the show more of a feeling and can make it more authentic.

1 comment:

  1. 5
    Interesting: your work shows the makings of an excellent grasp of how sound functions in film and TV. In order to ensure high level marks in the actual exam, I would pick specific instances, rather than the more general one in your opening paragraph.
