
Wednesday 20 February 2019


Please watch this presentation. It explains one of the ways in which the conglomerate Warner Bros marketed its product, The Lego Movie, by creating an ad break. The ad break is one of your required texts set by the exam board. 

There are a lot of different representations that can be found in the Lego movie ad break.  Warner Bros have taken these commercials from famous company's such as BT, Premier Inn, CPR, and, and have turned them into Lego animations in order to promote their movie. This mainly appeals to adults because they will recognise the well-known adult products and enjoy the parodies however children would also enjoy these and find them funny. There is also a lot of humour representation throughout these ad breaks. There is not much direct humour used but through the representation of Lego instead of real life this brings around natural humour, that would appeal to a wide audience (both the younger and older generation). 

The ad break also uses well-known brands which, again, appeals to a wider audience particularly older audiences who will use companies like BT and premier inn. This will increase the amount of people who use the companies and will therefore increase revenue (5% uplift). The trusted brands represent reliability which will increase the views. Real life is also represented as normal through the ad breaks as it includes ads about holidays and health insurance.